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Our goal is to educate you on all the exciting facets of Commercial Finance. With over 25 years of experience we have a lot to teach you over the next couple of months. If you want to join our growing company we are always looking for new team members.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Daily Observation - Last Blog for 2009

I want to be the first to wish you all a very Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Years.

I wish everyone a very joyous Holiday Season, and I will return on the 7th of January, with a fresh new look to the blog. The blog will be moving to our own website at Loanforbiz.com, we will continue to post for the next 30 days at both locations, but as of February 1, the blog will be on our site.

I am very excited about this change. The new name is the Daily Commercial Loan Blog.

To those loyal readers of the 150 posts that I wrote this year I say thank you for your attention each and every day as I share my personal viewpoints. You might not agree with everything that I wrote but I know you found it entertaining at the least and hopefully educational at the most.

Remember to subscribe to the 10 FREE Special Reports.


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